
The dark was go
Monday 19 August 2013 ? 0 Atashinchi ?

Haluuuuu. Here i am sofeana rahman . I was leave this blog for a long time and now i get it back. Im happy with this new life, boyfriend and ya my family too. There was a part of my life. Im happy now, my brother was changed. He not like monster anymore but he still caring about us. Haaa ofcourse lah i happy cause have boyfriend. Em its hard to find guy like hazim. Yaa seriously, was twelve month's more im being alone and lastly , 25 may 2013 i was find a guy who can make me happy , understanding and romantic dol. Hahaha im gratefull to Allah. I hope he'll be my future , insya'allah. I know about him trough social network, twitter also friends. but he arrogant . we start make conversation trough wechat . our first meet , a few day before we start couple . I very very very like him cause he most better than other guys who i know before . Amm he's amazing Ya Allah. I never see boyfriend crying infront his girlfriend on public and always try make his girlfriend happy . He's my future insya'allah . I'll rather stay with him till end of time . Bismillah :)

Thanks for reading :)

Friday 26 October 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
I wish i cant stop dance,laugh without any hurting yaa and i still searching what for i exist in this world. i was born on 28 of march , Hospital Dutchess Of Kent ,Sandakan the place were i born on 10.09 pm.Then when i four y/o "we" berhijrah to this big city . since i five y/o my ambition is to be a teacher cause i wanna teach people "how to  make this world perfect w\o war" But it just child dream :) Now, i was teenager i still wanna be a teacher but i wanna teach fellas dance perfectly.For sure. i haven't any problem w my parent cause i know "maybe they trust me . Im not waste fully time with enjoying cause i like to make myself busy w work while study, even my age still young its not obstruction to make  my future life perfect .

Thanks for reading :)

nothing complete without them
Saturday 23 June 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?

my mom and dad, i love them to much k to much :') they always make me laugh and make me cry. They are my friends, my boyfriend girlfriend, my heart , my sugar sugar , also my parents . Sometimes they understand me and sometimes they dont trust me . they ohsemm :) iloveyouso much eh ? ILOVEYOUTOMUCH :*

Thanks for reading :)

Tts Twinkle - Girls' Generation